Friday, May 18, 2012

My how they grow.

I love when Mason falls asleep on me. But when I compare these two photos I know it won't last forever. I'm gonna miss it when he's too big for this.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The ever changing website.

Yes, I know, the website changed again. I've moved everything from Squarespace to Blogger. Squarespace is a great service, but its too expensive for my basic needs. Back in July when I moved everything to Squarespace I wanted to get a good site going because Mason had just been born and I needed a place to blog.

My refusal to create a Facebook page, and the fact that Google+ wasn't open to the public yet meant I needed some place to put up videos and pictures. Then G+ opened and I posted a bunch of stuff there and continue to put a few things. Of course Laura is sharing on Facebook as well. Which is probably for the best since no one else is over in the Google camp with me. Anyway, after 6 months of the Squarespace site I had only created a few posts so it seemed silly to keep paying $15 a month.

Social networks are making personal blogs a thing of the past anyway. So this site will probably operate more as a simple landing page for I'll put some more time into the design and flesh it out a bit over the next few weeks. Then it will probably be idle.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Blog Site

Testing Blogspot for new blog.